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Tracking Macros Kimberly Zehnder Tracking Macros Kimberly Zehnder

How to Track a Recipe in Cronometer for Accurate Macros

Weighing and logging food is a super helpful tool in training our eyeballs to recognize more specific portion sizes. During food logging adventures, we are bound to begin diving into recipes rather than individual food items. Logging recipes can be extremely helpful for switching up typical meals each week or grouping together similar daily food items to make logging even quicker. We like the app Cronometer as it’s by far the most accurate tracking database and provides a lot of data that can be helpful along your macro tracking journey.

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Tracking Macros Kate Lyman Tracking Macros Kate Lyman

How to Track a Recipe in MyFitnessPal for Accurate Macros​

If you are new to tracking your macros, the idea of tracking recipes can seem overwhelming. Adding a recipe into MFP is neither impossible nor time consuming. It can seem daunting at first, but is faster after some practice. I enjoy MFP for its ease of use, especially when it comes to adding recipes or repeat meals. We’re teaching you exactly how to do it in this post!

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Debunking the Myth of Good vs. Bad Foods​: The Key to a Better Relationship With Food

Our relationship with food is something that has been crafted over many years of familial influence, social gatherings, and trendy “quick grab” headlines. You likely have foods categorized into groups like “breakfast, lunch, dinner”, “good and bad”, “healthy and unhealthy”. While some of these categories might be useful, others might be a barricade built in front of our own food freedom.

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