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Helping you change both your body and your mindset through nutrition.

your nutrition should match your lifestyle, not consume your life.

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we’re not just “macro coaches” & this is not just “another nutrition program”

We don’t do templated responses, meal plans, or canned emails. 

You are a unique individual and we meet you where you are and help you find a sustainable approach to reaching and maintaining your aesthetic, performance, and health goals while prioritizing your relationship with food along the way.

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1:1 flexible nutrition coaching

The one-size-fits-all approach and chronic dieting haven’t gotten you anywhere. We help you step away from restrictive yo-yo dieting and create truly sustainable results and long-term habits that work for you.

Working within a framework of tracking macros and focusing on sustainable behavior changes, we get to know you and your lifestyle and help you find a long-term approach to your goals.

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it’s time for a personalized approach to nutrition that actually works


  • Step away from chronic dieting and restrictive food rules

  • Finally form a positive relationship with food and your body

  • Feel knowledgable about your nutrition and how tracking macros can support your goals

  • Fuel your body appropriately and confidently — even in the busiest seasons of life

  • Have a kind and encouraging coach who really, truly sees you

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“Physically I feel stronger…Emotionally I no longer feel like I’m in an adversarial relationship with my body.”

"Physically I feel stronger, leaner, and more comfortable in my body. Emotionally I no longer feel like I’m in an adversarial relationship with my body. I understand what it needs and how it communicates with me better. 

I not only look and feel better physically but thinking about and planning my food no longer feels stressful. I lose weight without having to be hungry or frustrated. I gain strength more easily. I feel like I have waded through years of unhealthy relationships with food and my body and come out the other side as a happier healthier human. I am really, really grateful to Kate for that."

- Christine

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what is flexible nutrition?

Flexible Nutrition is the method of tracking your macronutrients to help you achieve your goals, whether those goals are targeted at losing body fat, changing body composition, improving performance, pursuing a healthier lifestyle, or getting out of the cycle of perpetual dieting.

Flexible Nutrition takes the "good" and "bad" out of the traditional diet mentality and allows you to see the progress you want while giving you the flexibility to eat the foods you love.

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our nutrition is so much more than just the food we eat.

Our relationship with food is just as emotional as it is physical.

As coaches, our purpose is not to tell you what to eat and leave you struggling on your own.

Because we’ve been where you are. We have almost a decade of experience as nutrition coaches (KLN started in 2015!) and we get how vulnerable this whole nutrition thing is.

With our knowledge, experience, and empathy, we'll provide you with the support you need to change old behaviors that have held you back and create new habits that you can stick to.

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meet your coaches











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our team boasts a cumulative 60+ years of experience in nutrition and fitness coaching aNd a variety of specialties and advanced degrees.

We have various academic backgrounds in nutrition and health education, along with certifications in strength and conditioning, women’s health, pre and postnatal coaching, menopause, and mindset and behavior change. No matter your unique goal or background, we’ve got you covered.

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nutrition doesn’t need to be overwhelming

We want nutrition education to be accessible to all. In addition to coaching, we create tons of free resources that make it easier for you navigate your nutrition. From weekly blog posts to macro-friendly recipes, and podcasts to free cookbooks, you can find it all below.

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“I feel great, look awesome and can run again for the first time in 4 years while rocking my daily CrossFit workouts”

When I realized that my relationship with food was terrible, I finally decided to hire a nutrition coach. I thought I knew what macros were, but my macros only included chicken, broccoli, almonds, and protein powder. I was overweight and just plain unhappy.

Diana held my hand and encouraged me. My initial goal was just to get the weight off. Through consistency I was able to go from 268 pounds to around 212.  I retained most of my strength and now I’m transitioning to learning how to fuel my activities. I feel great, look awesome and can run again for the first time in 4 years while rocking my daily CrossFit workouts. Most importantly, my years of on again off again dieting are over. I have learned how to have a balanced and sustainable relationship with food and encourage anyone looking to make a change to reach out to KLN!

- Alex

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move away from the mental load of food dominating every moment, and toward a better relationship with food and your body.

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