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Thanksgiving Meal Tips while Tracking Macros

When you’re tracking your macros and you have goals that you’re chasing down, eating in social settings inevitably brings about a bit of anxiety. Now, let’s talk about a family dinner, specifically a holiday family dinner, that’s centered around eating. How do you approach this kind of meal with some semblance of balance and mindfulness?

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Recipes + Meal Prep Diana Dewan Recipes + Meal Prep Diana Dewan

Healthy Macro-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes​

The holidays bring about lots of time with friends and family and with that usually comes lots of food. Don’t let anxiety about your food at to your holiday stress this season. We’ve got you covered with these healthier macro-friendly versions of all your favorite Thanksgiving side dishes. Your family won’t even know the difference and you can enjoy your meal, guilt-free.

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Navigating Nutrition Goals During the Holiday Season​

With the holidays around the corner, there’s no doubt that our calendars will start to fill up with extra social events these next two months. And whether you’re at a family gathering, a work party, or a gift exchange with friends, chances are food will be involved. Here are some strategies to help you stick to your goals through the holidays.

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