Our Nutrition Coaches Share Their 2020 Goals and Strategies​


We talk about goals a lot with our clients, so we wanted to kick off the year sharing some of our big, broad goals for this coming year.


2019 was a tough year for me. Early in the year I tore my hamstring - a big setback that led to 9 months of rest and rehabilitation. While it doesn’t sound like the end of the world, it felt like it for a while for someone whose life revolves partially around fitness. As a work-from-home business owner, I experience a lot of stress and not a lot of social interaction during the day and movement - whether through crossfit, yoga, cyclebar, or a morning walk -  is my main form of stress relief as well as my social outlet. 2019 taught me a lot about having gratitude for my healthy body and patience in the healing process. It also helped me slow down and gain a clearer understanding of my focus for this coming year.


I have set some lofty fitness goals for 2020: completing a 50-mile race, the Antelope Canyon Ultramarathon, in Arizona in March and the Ironman 70.3 in Memphis in October. I have completed a few long distance runs before, but never anything like the Antelope Canyon Ultra and I’m excited for both the race and the training. As for the Ironman - this goal sparks a lot of fear in me. I don’t know how to swim (like at all), so training to swim over a mile will be no joke, but I am so excited to pursue something that seems so impossible right now. 


My nutrition goals for the new year align directly with my fitness goals. I have no expectations or goals geared towards body composition changes and want my main focus to just be on fueling myself as best as I can for both performance and recovery. When it comes to endurance sports, fueling is an essential element and I’m excited to experiment more, learn more, and also increase my knowledge and ability to coach clients with similar goals. 

I have also focused the past few years on making more sustainable food choices and want to continue to make small shifts that help me reduce waste and be more conscious of my food choices. This includes more bulk shopping, less plastic waste, more home cooked foods and condiments, and less meat and dairy consumption. My specific focuses this year are to purchase as much local meat as possible and to go the whole year without using a plastic produce or grocery bag.


2019 taught me the importance of devoting time and energy towards my mental health. Having my main source of stress and anxiety relief compromised taught me how essential it is to find other emotional outlets. I started going to therapy several months ago and it has taught me so much about myself and how to handle emotions that are often so much easier to just bury. It is hard and unpleasant and challenging and rewarding all at once, and my big mental goal for the year is to keep it up and to continue to put the same energy into my mental wellbeing that I devote to my physical wellbeing.

In 2020 I am leaving behind mindless waste and bringing in intentional spending - of money, time, and energy.


2019 was big a year of growth with lots of great lessons learned. I learned many things about adulting - like maximizing my finances and being a homeowner (hello plumbing issues, roof leak and many other fun surprises). I learned more about what I want and what I don’t want. Most of all, I learned that my body isn’t the same as it was when I was 20 and it is silly of me to expect it to be. This was one of the hardest lessons of the year because training and performance have always been a big part of my life. But, as much as I love training and competing, in 2019 I learned what it looks like to shift my focus a little more towards overall health. Most days I’m still working on finding the balance, but am excited to continue the journey in 2020.


This spring, I am participating in my first (sprint) triathlon and depending on how that goes, maybe another one later in the summer. Overall, my fitness goals these days look much different than they used to. With more of a focus on recovery and overall health, I will be continuing to do things that make my body feel good, healthy and strong.


With fitness goals shifting away from performance and more into overall health, my nutrition goals are following suit. My primary focus will be on eating things that make me feel good and eating with the goal of maintaining a certain weight in order to maintain a regular cycle. This year I am also working towards completing a continuing education Nutrition Certificate that I am very excited about!


In alignment with my fitness and nutrition goals for the year ahead, my mental goals are to continue to focus on intentional rest and balance. In 2019, I was much more mindful of my screen time and unfiltered content and consumption, which I plan to continue this into the New Year. Another thing I’m bringing in to 2020 is intentional time to rest. With a very busy weekly schedule, I’ve learned the importance of prioritizing personal time to recharge. This may look like getting in bed early and reading a book, taking an extra rest day from the gym or spending time outside on a nice day.

In 2020 I am leaving behind the glorification of busyness and bringing in more balance.


2019 was honestly one of my most uneventful years ever - and I don’t mean that in a bad way.  I spent most of the year settling into a routine of day job + nutrition coaching + getting to the gym + staying on top of my nutrition.  Now that I have most of those things in order, I’m looking forward to setting some goals to chase in 2020.


I want 2020 to be the year I finally compete in a powerlifting meet.  I have been doing powerlifting-specific training for nearly two years and think it’s about time I get on the competitive platform.  My biggest roadblock for this will be finding a meet for beginners that I don’t have to qualify for. Assuming I can’t find a meet to train for, my backup fitness goal is to hike three mountains in Utah that I haven’t summited yet.  Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll complete both goals!


With two strength athletes in the house, we eat a lot (and I mean a LOT) of protein.  For 2020, I want to eat at least one meatless meal per day. There are a lot of vegetarian and plant-based protein options that I could be incorporating into my diet, and I want to start making the effort to do so.  Meatless protein options are typically more environmentally friendly, and can also be more nutrient-dense than their animal protein counterparts.  


My mental health benefits greatly from spending time away from screens, and also from spending time outside.  When the weather allows, I usually take a lap or two around my office in the afternoon. When the weather doesn’t allow me to spend as much time outdoors, I like to read or cross stitch (and leave my phone in another room).  My goal for 2020 is to spend time outside and/or unplugged for at least 15-20 minutes per day.  

In 2020 I am leaving behind mindless scrolling on social media and bringing in more optimized daily routines.

If you need to dig a little deeper into your goals for this New Year, be sure to grab our free goal setting guide!

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