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Tracking Macros Kate Lyman Tracking Macros Kate Lyman


You can have have some candy without ruining your day, and you can enjoy the holiday without feeling guilty the rest of the week. Here are a few of our best tips to help you navigate trick-or-treating, office treats, and Halloween parties with friends.

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Coach Diana's Top Macro-Friendly Foods and High-Protein Snacks​

Today Coach D is sharing her three of my favorite macro-friendly items that she can’t live without. First: her favorite way for getting in a little extra protein, second: one of the most versatile snacks in her pantry, and third: a current favorite macro-friendly sweet treat.

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Coach Whitney's Top Macro-Friendly Snacks and Meal Prep Tips​

I try to keep my typical diet full of lean proteins and fruits and vegetables, but sometimes I just need something delicious or something I didn’t have to make from scratch!  Here are three of my favorite macro-friendly foods I keep on hand basically at all times.

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