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HTF Podcast, Q&A Kate Lyman HTF Podcast, Q&A Kate Lyman


The large majority of individuals probably don’t need to worry about their hormonal health. If you are struggling with your hormonal health, that is absolutely an indicator to see an endocrinologist - not a trainer, nutritionist, or wellness influencer! What supports our hormonal health most are the basics that support our overall health: exercising sensibly, giving ourselves time to recover, managing stress levels, eating a balanced and high quality diet and not chronically dieting. Hormonal health is incredibly important, so this is not about minimizing that importants; rather, it’s a reminder that the “boring stuff” is often what we overlook when it should be our first priority.

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Nutrition for Athletes Kenny Lyman Nutrition for Athletes Kenny Lyman

A Comprehensive Guide to Supplements: Protein, Fish Oil, Creatine, and More

We often turn to supplements when wanting to lose body fat, change our body composition, or improve our health, but most often supplements should be the last thing on our minds. After 10+ years working with clients via fitness and nutrition, I can confidently say that about 98% of people should focus on these basic principles before spending any of their time, money, or energy on which supplements they should take.

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